
我的世界新版启动器开启下载测试 PC版新启动器进入实测阶段

文章出处:皇冠球网官方网站 人气:发表时间:2024-08-31 01:29



我的世界电脑版新的启动器再一已完成了,现在正在测试,这个新的启动器几乎是原生的,几乎不必JAVA。他比当前的启动器慢,有了新的功能,而且看上去更加可爱了!赶紧来iTunes测试一下吧!【我的世界pc版交流群1】青睐各位小伙伴重新加入!群号:608527093!| MC新的启动器新的启动器iTunes:【Windows版启动器】【OSX版启动器】Some of you know that me and /u/MansOlson have been working on a new Minecraft launcher for some time now, and we're ready to show it off and get some testing on it!This new launcher is completely native, doesn't use Java at all. We were able to make it much faster than the current launcher, give it new things that you can't currently do... and it looks just so much better!你们有些人应当早已告诉我和 /u/MansOlson早已为minecraft新的启动器工作了一段时间,我们现在早已准备好发布它并且测试它。这个新的启动器几乎是原生的,几乎不必JAVA。我们顺利地让他比当前的启动器慢,有了新的功能,而且看上去更加可爱了!We currently have a build for Windows and OSX, but we'll try to have a Linux one ready for testing shortly. Please let me know if you encounter anything that you think behaves weird, doesn't do what you expect, or just outright crashes. We'll also accept any general feedback, like I think it looks ugly (here's why, and here's what I think would look better) or I really like how fast it is!. Any feedback is good feedback!我们早已有了Windows 和 OSX版本,但我们将在旋即之后让LINUX版本发布测试。

如果你遇上了任何事物运营的很怪异,做到的事和你想象的不一样,或者瓦解,请求让我们告诉。我们也拒绝接受任何其他的意见,比如我实在这里很丑(为什么还有怎么改能可爱)或者运营的真快我真为讨厌!。什么意见都是可以的!It will run separately from your current Minecraft launcher, but will use your current settings/worlds/etc. However, if you choose to go back to the old launcher then it will erase your launcher settings (such as login credentials) and you will have to log back in again. Sorry! (You can find a backup of the launcher_profiles.json in your game directory though, when downgrading.)他独立国家于你现在的启动器运营,但不会用于你现在的设置,副本等。但是,如果你自由选择返回旧版本启动器,那么你的启动器设置将不会遗失,比如登岸凭证,而且你将被迫新的指定。


很难过。(你可以备份launcher_profiles.json在想不会到旧版本时。)At the end of this public test, the launcher will alert you that the full version is out and your regular launcher will update automatically. You can then delete this test version.Please note that this is an experimental test version and may be buggy or outright broken!在内测完结后,启动器将不会警告你新版本公布而且你的现有启动器不会自动更新。这时你就可以移除测试版本了。

请注意这只是测试版本,可能会有BUG!新的启动器iTunes:【Windows版启动器】【OSX版启动器】以上就是4399Remilia为大家带给的我的世界新版启动器iTunes,更加多精彩内容请求注目4399我的世界电脑版专区,或者在百度上搜寻4399我的世界,寻找我们的专区,才可在第一时间取得我的世界的近期涉及内容。【制备表格吉尼斯世界纪录】我的世界抛掷器怎么做 PC版抛掷器怎么制备【视频直播】我的世界赛拉尼克视频直播 谜样世界的魔幻冒险【服务器吉尼斯世界纪录】我的世界monster现代战争服务器 战地模式新周目更多精彩内容请求注目我的世界电脑版专区,或者在百度上搜寻4399我的世界,寻找我们的专区,或者页面右图中的转入专区首页查阅!。





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